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Article by Tor Pinney                                                                                                                                        Back to List of Tor's Tips


© 2018 Tor Pinney - All Rights Reserved


If you suffer from insomnia, even just occasionally, here's a surprisingly simple, effective, natural way to put yourself to sleep. I learned it from a friend 30 years ago and have been using it ever since. I can't overstate how well it works and how valuable it has been to me.

My friend had been badly burned as a child and was having a hard time sleeping during his recovery. A nurse taught him this trick:

First, mentally recite the alphabet, A through Z. You may think it to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," the way you first learned it in school. Then, the nurse instructed, mentally say "A" to yourself and silently, in your mind, name an animal that begins with that letter, like "alligator" or "antelope." Next, mentally say "B" and name an animal that starts with that. Continue through the alphabet, naming an animal for each letter.

That's the basic technique, the child’s version. It focuses the mind on a simple task, just enough to hold it so that it isn't thinking about anything else, yet not interesting enough to be stimulating. The mind soon becomes bored with the game and, when you keep doing it anyway, simply shuts down and goes to sleep. Silly as it sounds, it works! If in the beginning you don't fall asleep before you get to the end of the alphabet, repeat the process starting with the mental ABC song again, and then think of different animal names for each letter than you did the first time.

Always begin by mentally reciting the ABC song all the way through, and always name the letter before thinking of something that begins with that letter. This sequential repetition actually trains your mind, becoming a signal, an auto-suggestion that you're going to sleep now. The longer and more often you use the technique, the more trained your mind becomes to fall asleep from it. Before long you may often find yourself drifting off before you even finish the ABC song. The mind says to itself, "Oh, no, not this boring routine again," and simply switches off.

To make it a little more absorbing, I have developed several variations to the child's one-animal-per-letter technique. One is to name a midsize American city (instead of an animal) for each letter, without repeating any of the States: "A," Albuquerque, New Mexico; "B," Boise, Idaho; "C," Charleston, South Carolina" and so on. Another, more mentally demanding variation is naming a mammal, an insect, a reptile, a bird, and a sea creature for each letter, like this: "A," armadillo, ant, alligator, albatross, angel fish; "B," bear, bee, boa, buzzard, barracuda; "C," cat, caterpillar, crocodile, crow, crayfish" and so on. Since I'm a sailor, I sometimes substitute parts of a boat: "A," anchor; "B," boat hook; "C," compass; "D," davits," etc. Make up your own based on topics you know and like. However, avoid using subjects that are work or worry-related, which could divert the mind to thoughts that keep you awake.

This isn't only for when you go to bed. Anytime you wake up during the night, start the process right away, singing the ABC song in your mind and then (if you're still awake) commencing the alphabetical name game. It's best to begin immediately, the moment you realize you're awake, before your mind starts obsessing on interesting or worrisome thoughts and awakens even more.

The alphabet technique may or may not knock you out the first time or two. You're building a new mental program, re-training the mind away from an old habit. The longer and more often you use it, the better and faster it works. Keep at it. I've been doing it, with variations, for decades. These days I usually fall asleep within seconds, or at least in minute or two.

Stick with it. Sleep well. Pleasant dreams!
